
Visit terms and conditions

We are obliged to draw every group’s attention to a number of practical agreements:

- HeadquARTers can only be visited by appointment and under the guidance of our guides.

- The tours start on time. Please register at the reception 10 minutes before the start of the tour. On arrival, provide the guide with the details of visitors.

- A group may contain a maximum number of people. If more than the maximum number of people register, we are unfortunately obliged to refuse them.

- Follow the guide at all times during the tour. You are requested to stay in a group and not to touch anything.
When determining any damage to the property, the members of the group can be held jointly and severally liable for compensation for the damage.

- It is strictly forbidden to photograph in the building and the works arts.

-The visit is at the visitors’ own risk. The owners, operators and/or their employees may not be held responsible for possible accidents, physical injury, material damage or the theft of personal belongings.